CO Nat'l Monument Trip for BCES

Big congrats to Katie Davies and her 4th-grade adventurers at Brush Creek Elementary School! Thanks to an EFEC grant, they traded desks for the great outdoors with an unforgettable trip to the Colorado National Monument!
“On behalf of our 4th grade team, I want to extend our heartfelt gratitude for the generous grant that made it possible for our entire grade to visit the Colorado National Monument this fall. This experience was truly transformative for many of our students.
For some, it was their very first time hiking or sleeping in a tent—an opportunity they might not have had otherwise. The outdoor experiential learning environment allowed our students to engage in ways that a traditional classroom setting often cannot. We witnessed students who are typically too shy to participate in class step out of their comfort zones and shine in new and inspiring ways.
This trip provided invaluable hands-on learning experiences and created lasting memories that we know our students will carry with them for years to come. We are incredibly grateful for your support in making this opportunity possible.
Thank you for your commitment to enriching the educational experiences of our students.” - Katie Davies