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Culinary Classess at EVHS

Culinary Classess at EVHS

Big congrats to Bret Moyer and the Eagle Valley High School culinary students for cooking up success with an EFEC grant for culinary education!
In these classes, students learn all about cooking and nutrition. As a lifelong skill for students, this is wonderful to have the equipment we need. Foods and Nutrition is a basic class where students learn to be home chefs. They learn basic knife skills and cooking methods while applying learned nutrition knowledge. Catering class is where students learn to run a business while continuing their culinary education. They cater events around the school, which feed teachers, students, and staff. D.E. Culinary is a culinary class in which students get the opportunity to hone their chef skills and get CMC credit.
“I [would like to] express my sincere gratitude for your generous support and dedication to the teachers of Eagle County. Being awarded funding for my continuing education is an honor that I deeply appreciate.
Your commitment to enhancing the experience the students have in the classroom is incredible. The resources you provide directly impact the quality of education we can offer to our students.
Thank you once again for your time, effort, and generosity. Your support makes a significant difference in the lives of teachers and students alike, and I am incredibly grateful to be a recipient of your aid.” - Bret Moyer, EVHS Culinary Teacher and Coach

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