Educator burnout is a very serious issue. The top issue facing educators right now is burnout, with 67% reporting it as a very serious issue and 90% a very serious or somewhat serious issue (National Education Association, 2021). General stress from the pandemic is also a very serious concern, and student absences and unfilled job openings leading to more work for remaining staff are also key stressors.
At EFEC, we strive to be part of the solution working to empower and encourage educators in our community through our mental health supports and efforts.
EFEC created the E•f(ec)tive Mental Health Resources for Teachers program based on the immediate and crucial need for mental health supports for our Pre-K through 12 teachers. Superintendent, Phil Qualman, stated that teachers are "hanging on by a thread." We see it for ourselves. We recognize teachers as front-line workers essential to our children and the community's health. While there are financial resources through Eagle County School District's insurance to receive mental health counseling, finding an available appointment in our valley is near impossible. There are not enough providers.
We have developed and established a menu of immediate and long-term impact programs to support teachers' mental health. Our school principals have blessed every menu item as long as there is the flexibility to choose what best fits their teachers' needs and not add one more "to do" to anyone's plate. The programs are designed to provide time, self-care tools, "brain breaks", and increase morale by expressing gratitude.
We believe our teachers' health provides the foundation from which teaching and learning can flourish. And that now more than ever, we need to be there for them.

Teacher & Staff Recognition
Recognition for hard work and dedication is critically important as it fosters continued engagement and validation. Because we know how important this recognition can be, we at EFEC work to acknowledge ALL of our community’s educators who are giving their all to engage and enrich students’ lives.
Recognition isn't just about feeling good. Gallup research shows that consistent recognition for doing good work has a direct influence on the key performance measures that we use to evaluate our schools.
Teachers who receive regular recognition and praise:
are more productive
are more engaged at work
are more likely to stay with their school
are more likely to receive higher satisfaction scores from students and parents
Quote from teacher: “I have never experienced any type of organization do what you did last week with Teacher Appreciation Week. You did an amazing job of making everyone feel loved and appreciated, even beyond our teachers. You included everyone. And you did it with gusto. I imagine it took a lot of your time, but know we are so grateful for your support.”